DATE: Saturday, July 24th
TIME : 20:30-22:00 (China)
8:30-10:00 (USA)
15:30-17:00 (Turkey)
VOOV MEETING ID: 633 488 752
If your video/poster/article etc. is around 3- 5 min please follow these instructions:
In your presentation introduce yourself and, in 1 or 2 sentences explain why the topic you picked is important to you and your audience.
Then, show /play /read your work.
If your video/poster/article etc. is longer than 3- 5 min please follow these instructions:
In your presentation introduce yourself and, in 1 or 2 sentences explain why the topic you picked is important to you and your audience.
Then, show /play /read a selected small section from your work. (you can pick your favorite part)
+ IMPORTANT: Send your completed and edited work to your workshop teacher and to Münire/Emma at by Friday night (July 23). Remember that we need time to upload your work on our website.
++ IMPORTANT: All students are required to stay until all the presentations are finished. Please show the courtesy to appreciate and celebrate each other's work :)